Revised November 3, 2012

Belleville Association of the Deaf


Article I - NAME

The organization shall be known as the Belleville Association of the Deaf (B.A.D.), hencoreforth as "the Association".


The location of the organization shall be in the Regional Municipality of Belleville and surrounding areas in Ontario.


The Belleville Association of the Deaf, as representative of our local Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, works with local, regional and national organizations to:


Provide learning, leadership and social opportunities for Deaf individuals including children and youth.

Preserve and promote the history and merits of American Sign Language (ASL) and culture.

Educate society as a whole on the positive contributions made by the community, past and present.

Advocate for accessible services and promote the general well-being of the individuals we represent.



The objectives of the organization shall be to assist in promoting the general well-being of all Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons; to promote advocacy for any organization, institution, agency and other recognized group in their efforts to achieve goals that are compatible with the goals of the Association; to participate in creative public awareness of being Deaf and to bring to the attention of appropriate authorities the means to achieve the objectives of the Association; to inform the general public about the talents and abilities of Deaf individuals and Deaf culture; to assist promoting the language of the Deaf; to take a stand and seek assistance from any individual or organization in order to counteract any action that infringes upon the rights and privileges of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in this region; to seek affiliation with any local, provincial and national organization as a way to incorporate efforts in pursuit of their objectives; to provide services as approved by the Association in principle consistent with the objectives of the Association; to establish advisory committees to provide the Association with necessary information; to acquire lands, by purchase or otherwise, erect or otherwise provide a building or buildings for social and community purposes; to sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with the property of this Association.


Any individual, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing, may become a member of the organization upon meeting all the conditions of membership. Members shall enjoy the privilege to participate in the organizational process of the Association and request information pertaining to the Association.


All functions of the Association and the conduct of its members shall be carried out in a manner as outlined by the organization's By-Laws and policies of operation.

The governing body of the Association is the Executive Board and shall be known as 'the Board', consisting of officers. Each holder of office shall perform their duty and carry out their responsibility as outlined in the By-Laws and consider the general will of members of the Association during any decision-making process.

Each vacant position within the board shall be filled by members of the Association, democratically elected by a body of members attending during an election for the office.

Officers of the Board shall keep members of the Association informed of activities undertaken within their capacity as holder of position within the Board.


Upon dissolution of the Association, the remaining assets of the Association shall be distributed to Ontario Association of the Deaf (OAD), Ontario Deaf Sports Association (ODSA), Deaf Culture Centre, Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf (OCSD) and/or a charitable organization or organizations that further promote the well-being of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. In no event shall any of the assets be applied for any use other than a charitable one. The Association's proceedings, minutes, reports, copies of correspondence, and other miscellany shall be donated to a Deaf Archives. Decisions on details and specification of such liquidation shall be made by a majority vote of the members in attendance at a special meeting that takes place after the decision to dissolve the Association has been made official.



To make an amendment to the Association’s constitution, a member must submit a written proposal which contains the exact wording of the desired amendment to the Board at least thirty (30) days before the next Executive Board meeting. Executive Board shall make the motion known to all members of the Association at least thirty (30) days before the date of the General Meeting. The motion will be open for consideration and debate once it has been passed by a vote of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the members in attendance at the meeting.

Another vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members in attendance at the meeting will be needed to keep the motion alive and to be tabled for the next General Meeting. At the second General Meeting, the proposed amendment shall be ratified after being passed by two-thirds (2/3) of the members in attendance at the meeting. The Board members shall be responsible to keep members informed of the status and fate of the proposed amendment. The constitution shall not be subject to revision and partial or whole deletion.


All insertions, revisions, deletions, and amendments to By-Laws shall be made either to a section or an item. To make an alteration to the By-Laws, a member must submit the proposal which contains the exact wording of the desired change to the Board at least thirty (30) days before the next Executive Board meeting. Executive Board shall make the motion known to all members of the Association at least thirty (30) days before the date of the General Meeting. The proposed change will become an official part of the By-Laws after being passed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members in attendance at the meeting. Executive Board members shall be responsible to keep members informed of the status and fate of the proposed By-Laws alteration.

The Board shall see that members of the Association will have access to the latest version of the Association's Constitution and By-Laws.


By-Laws relating generally to the conduct of the business and affairs of

Belleville Association of the Deaf
(The Association)



(a) Members shall observe, conform to and abide by the Constitution, the By-Laws, and the rules and regulations of the organization.

(b) The term of membership, renewable annually, shall be from January 1st to December 31st. Fees will be determined by the members.

(c) The Executive Board reserves the right to revoke or refuse membership at any time to anyone.

(d) Members shall work as a team and support each other by participating on committees.

(e) Non-members are welcome to attend meetings to observe and speak when invited by members. Frequent non-members/visitors are encouraged to join the Association.


(a) An Active member shall be any member in good standing, who is entitled to the full privilege of the organization upon payment of the Active membership fee.

(b) Patron shall be as follows:

Any person who donates $1000 or more can be eligible for Patron; cannot vote, run for office; and may be exempted from paying the annual membership fee.


Disciplinary action may be enforced against members in accordance with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast by the membership at a General Meeting.


A member may upon written notice, withdraw from membership in the organization.



(a) The General Meetings shall be held at least twice per calendar year and take place during spring and autumn seasons; additional meetings may be held at other times upon notice thereof being delivered to the members by the Secretary or President, or upon written request and signed by three (3) members and delivered to the Executive Board by the Secretary or President of the organization.

(b) Notice of meetings of the general assembly shall be delivered in writing to the members or published at least thirty (30) days prior to holding such meetings and shall contain the agenda, with the exception of special or emergency meetings.

(c) Dates for Board of Executives meetings are to be decided by the President.

(d) Vacancy of Executive/non-Executive position(s) shall be filled for the remainder of the term at a special meeting of Belleville Association of the Deaf membership.


A quorum of the general assembly shall be obtained when at least ten (10) members excluding Board members are present.


(a) The classification of membership shall be as follows:


1) Voting member


(b) Except for amendments to the Constitution (Article VIII), all resolutions brought before the General Assembly shall require a simple majority of the votes cast. The President at the general assembly shall finally determine tied votes.

(c) Except for elections, voting at the meetings at the general assembly shall be by show of hand or secret ballot.

(b) Except for amendments to the constitution (Article VI), all resolutions brought before the general assembly shall require a simple majority of the votes cast. The president at the general assembly shall finally determine tied votes.

(c) Except for elections, voting at the meetings at the General Assembly shall be by show of hands or secret ballot.


(d) The order of business for the General Meeting shall be as follows:

General Meeting Agenda Order:

1) Opening and Roll Call
2) Approval and/or Revision of Agenda
3) Approval and/or Revision of Last Minutes
4) Board Reports
5) Approval of Unadudited Financial Reports
6) Committee Reports
7) Unfinished Business
8) New Business
9) Announcement(s)
10) Adjournment



(a) The members shall elect as the executive officers; a President; Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer; and Directors at Large (min. 2).

(b) The President and Vice-President shall be Deaf or Hard of Hearing members in good standing.

(c) The term of the Executive shall run for a term of two (2) years. Officers shall be elected bi-annually at a fall meeting. The elected officers shall take their oath of office in autumn during a special meeting and begin their duties on the first day of January.

(d) All other elected officers shall be Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing individuals fluent in ASL and be members in good standing.

(e) The Executive Board members (at least 2) shall participate in and/or attend all events and activities held by Belleville Association of the Deaf (BAD).

(f) The Executive Board shall maintain the Belleville Association of the Deaf (BAD) website and emails.

(g) The quorum at all Board meetings shall be four (4).


(a) Executives may be removed from office for cause upon the passing of a resolution by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote cast at a meeting of the general assembly.

(b) An executive at the end of his/her term, upon vacating office must return all properties of the organization as may be in his/her possession.


Vacancies occurring within the Executive Board may not be filled until election at a special meeting of the general assembly.


Executives shall be compensated for reasonable and proven travel and accommodation expenses as may be incurred in the course of organization business, subject to resolutions passed by the majority of votes cast at General Meetings. No other compensation or remuneration thereof is to be authorized.


The Executive Board shall have the right, jurisdiction, power, authority and duty to perform as necessary in carrying out the objectives of the organization. The Executive Board shall carry out all the executive, administrative and judicial functions to the continuing attainment of the aims, ideals and objectives set forth in the Constitution of the organization.


(a) The Executive Board of the organization shall consist of duly elected officers: a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors at Large (min. 2).


Executive Officers shall be elected by the members of the Belleville Association of the Deaf.



(a) Preside over all meetings of the general assembly and the Executive Board.

(b) Perform all other and such usual duties as are performed by the President and shall be the official spokesperson on behalf of the Association. Whenever necessary, the President shall also be an ex officio member of standing committees of the organization.

(c) Co-sign with the Treasurer for any financial documents.


(a) In the absence of the President, chair all meetings of members of the Association.

(b) In the absence of the President, chair all meetings of the Board.

(c) Provide a report of his/her actions at every Board meeting.

(d) Be responsible for the master copy of the Constitution, By-Laws, Policies and Regulations; bring them to meetings and keep them up to date.

(e) Introduce the By-Laws to new members.


(a) Record and keep all minutes in the binder for BAD files.

(b) Bring current minutes to every meeting.

(c) Provide notice of all upcoming meetings of the Association.

(d) Provide a report of his/her actions at every Board meeting.

(e) Maintain correspondence, contact info, condolences and notes of appreciation.


(a) Keep an accurate record of all financial records and documents of the Association.

(b) Provide bi-annual financial reports at every General Meeting.

(c) Provide financial statements and reports of his/her actions every Executive meeting.

(d) Co-sign with the President for any financial documents.

(e) Keep the financial reports audited by a certified accountant.

(f) Assist the Director(s) at Large with financial reports for events.

(g) Not spend over $500. The President and Treasurer shall use his/her discretion when purchasing necessary items.

(h) May use up to $1,000 for hall rental, hosting events & bookings with the understanding that the committee pays the full amount back.


(a) Direct and monitor the activities and events of committees and abide by the rules of the organization.

(b) Present progress reports during Executive Board and General Meetings.

(c) Report to Executive Board of sub-committees’ progress and make financial requests if needed.

(d) Assign chairperson(s) and supervise the committee activities and/or events.

(e) Exercise jurisdiction over the locations, schedules, programs of activities of chairpersons.

(f) Sports Director at Large: Be responsible to ensure the members who participate in sports attend meetings and assist with fundraising.


(a) Director at Large assigns chairperson(s) and refers to Chairperson’s guidelines.

(b) Chairperson(s) report to Director at Large.

(c) Recruit volunteers.

(d) Supervise and operate the events and activities.


The financial reports shall be audited by an accredited, certified accountant chosen at the General Meeting to audit the books. Their report will be given to the Treasurer who will report at the next General Meeting. The Board may fill any vacancy in the office of the informal auditor. Signed documents must be shown to the members present at the meeting. The remuneration of the accredited auditor shall be fixed from time to time by the Board.


(a) Policies and regulations may be created to set guideline of conduct, to set standard and procedures for various situations that may be associated with the Association internally and externally.

(b) Policies and regulations must be conflict-free from the Constitution and By-Laws; Rule of Thumb: Constitution prevails over By-Laws, By-Laws prevail over Policies and Regulations.

(c) Creation of a policy or regulation may be passed by a simple majority during General Meetings.

(d) If there should be a conflict between the content of two or more items within the Policies and Regulations, the latest one shall be recognized as the one to follow.

(e) Contents that come under Policies and Regulations shall be correctly filed in the master copy that includes a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.

(f) Vice-President of the Association shall be responsible for updating the Policies and Regulations on a regular basis before handing the master copy over to the next elected Vice-President, which shall take place within 30 days after the election.

(g) Copy of the Policies and Regulations contents shall be made accessible for members' viewing.


(a) The Members may, by majority, repeal, amend or enact the By-Laws from time to time.

(b) Notice of a motion to pass a new By-Law or to amend these By-Laws should be given in a notice calling for a meeting of the members at which it is intended to present the By-Law or the amendment.

(c) A By-Law or an amendment will be brought to the next General Meeting or to a special meeting of the members of the Association duly called for that purpose. If passed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members in attendance at the meeting it will take effect from the date of that meeting. If not confirmed, no new By-Law of the same or like substance can be proposed until a future special meeting of the members of the Association or the next General Meeting.

General CBPR Relevant Information Tips Reports

Document Purpose Future changes? Procedure for amendment
Constitution “Birth Certification or DNA sequences of the Association”

Very difficult

No deletion or omitting is permitted. Only amendments. Amendments shall be noted in number below / after the original constitution.
2006 Constitution Article VIII under 'Constitution' sub-heading
By-Laws Allocation of powers, responsibility, duty, details on how the association shall be governed and some definitions such as members, etc.

Somewhat easy.

No complete overhaul of By-Laws is permitted.

Can amend, delete, or add. Limiting the change to specific number and items.  Can't contradict with the Constitution.
2006 Constitution, Article VIII under 'By-Laws' sub-heading.
By-Laws Amendments Setting up standard of conduct, guidelines, and procedures for various situations or aspects that pertain to the association.

Very easy.

But can't serve as instrument to partially or wholly override Constitution and By-Laws.
By-Laws Article VII

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The Belleville Association of the Deaf, as representative of our local Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, works with local, regional and national organizations to:

Provide learning, leadership and social opportunities for Deaf individuals including children and youth.

Preserve and promote the history and merits of American Sign Language (ASL) and culture.

Educate society as a whole on the positive contributions made by the community, past and present.

Advocate for accessible services and promote the general well-being of the individuals we represent.